Buckeye, AZ
48,000 SF
Completed 2024
Buckeye Medical Plaza is a 48,000 square foot ground-up medical office building that represents a significant step forward in expanding healthcare accessibility in the city of Buckeye. Designed to support the present and growing need for healthcare facilities in this area, the building will house future tenants including a children’s therapy provider, a national lab testing facility, and a physical therapy specialist.
The previously undeveloped 4.18-acre site is uniquely shaped and contains an existing drive aisle that splits the site into two parts. To accommodate this layout, the parking was divided across two lots, informing the design of two pedestrian circulation routes leading to two prominent entries into the building. These datums extend within the building, connecting internally and forming the primary internal circulation between the suites. The main lobby located off the West entrance features a double-height vestibule highlighted with bright finishes to illuminate and enhance visitor’s first impression of the building’s interior.
The site and building incorporate pedestrian-scale elements to enhance the user experience. The densely vegetated pedestrian circulation routes lead users toward a vibrant plaza on the western end of the building, with both west and south entries utilizing large bronze metal clad canopies that offer weather protection for users entering the building.
Inspired by the natural hues of the desert, the exterior design features earth tones and brown masonry, paired with large curtain wall glazing at the entries for ample lighting within the two lobby areas. The overall design ensures harmony with the local environment while maintaining sensitivity to the surrounding context.

+ West Perspective

+ Lobby

+ Lobby Staircase

+ Lobby Staircase