What’s the difference between Soiled Holding, Soiled Workrooms, and a decontamination room?

Soiled Holding Room

A soiled holding room is a space where contaminated equipment and supplies are temporarily stored before they are transported to a soiled workroom or decontamination room for cleaning and disinfection. Soiled holding rooms are typically located in close proximity to patient care areas and should be designed to prevent the spread of infection. According to FGI, soiled holding rooms should be separate from the soiled workroom and decontamination room.

Soiled Workroom

A soiled workroom is a room where contaminated or soiled equipment, supplies, and materials from patient care activities are brought for cleaning, disinfecting, and/or disposal. Soiled workrooms are typically located in a central area and should be designed to prevent the spread of infection. Soiled workrooms should be equipped with adequate hand hygiene facilities, including handwashing sinks and/or alcohol-based hand rub dispensers, and should allow for the separation of clean and soiled items to prevent cross-contamination.

Decontamination Room

A decontamination room is a space where contaminated equipment and supplies are cleaned, disinfected, and/or sterilized before they are reused on patients. Decontamination rooms should be designed to prevent the spread of infection and should be equipped with appropriate ventilation systems and cleaning equipment. According to FGI, decontamination rooms should be separate from the soiled workroom and soiled holding room.

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